Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Movie The Car Essay - 1736 Words

Introduction The car has always been an extension of who we are - the ultimate attire, which is why the essence of this film is so attractive - at its core - the concept is so simple.You see life can be full of complications, responsibilities, duties, events, but the one thing you can rely on to get you through is family, and in this commercial the L46 is going to part of this. An additional member who is the real backbone of the story - the lifesaver and true hero. This is because in this film, although Dad is the main protagonist, the glue that keeps everything together, the common thread pulled through each scene, if we look closely we can recognise that Dad/Car are as one. 2 Sides of the same coin. You see all the features of the car, the navigation, the performance, the reliability, are personified in Dad, with the added bonus of human emotion. Dad is the hero, but the L46 is the silent partner, the games changer if you like that makes this all possible because of it multi-functionality. You see just like a Dad, the family car is expected to be in four places at once, multi-skilled, multi-talented, and as we have said multifunctional - thankfully the people at Renault are well aware of this 21st century problem, and in response have created a car that is not only beautiful and fun to drive, but that can achieve this with a 10/10 performance rating. Approach Tone One of the main elements that I like to explore in my work is the power of human connection. This isShow MoreRelatedMovie Review : Get From The Car 1041 Words   |  5 PagesGet in the car. Emma hears her mom say to her as she s still waking up. Emma has no clue what s going on. She asks her mom, Where are we going? Her mom doesn t answer her. Emma is so confused she has no clue where they are going or why they are leaving. 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